In “Daily Affirmations For Adult Children of Alcoholics” Rokelle Lerner writes “Life is not a test where we are constantly graded for performance”. What do you think – is that easy to believe or hard to believe? For those who grew up in a home where performance was a mark of significance or a sign that you mattered, this may be a hard pill to swallow. I wonder what then would replace performance? If I am not being graded at performance, on what am I being graded? Am I being graded at all? How do I know how I am doing? Whew! On and on we go. We can tell what life is about because when we find it, it creates a gentle, inner serenity. It creates pleasure. It invites ability to get along with others and in the world. It creates a peace within us. When we find what life is about, others look at us and say “it’s great to be with you”. We find enjoyment. It’s not that we don’t have to work hard. It’s not that we don’t suffer. There are places that continue to be difficult. But we find softness. We find help and connection. I hope today you begin or continue to find what life is about.